Severe earthquake predicted in Tekirdağ province
Severe earthquake predicted in Tekirdağ province Geophysics engineer Övgün Ahmet Ercan stated that a major earthquake of magnitude 9 - the equivalent to 24 atomic bombs - is expected in the northwestern province of Tekirdağ. He warned the population that the districts of Ergene, Şarköy and Marmara Ereğlisi are the most dangerous areas to be in during the shock, because of the active fault lines in the Marmara Sea, while the Edirne and Kırklareli provinces, Tekirdağ’s western neighbors, are the safest places. Turkey has gone through devastating earthquakes in the past, as it is among the world's most seismically active zones. One of them killed 17,800 people in Izmit in 1991 and just last month, 116 people died when a 6.6 magnitude earthquake rocked the western province of Izmir. Experts affirm that all forecasts point to an inevitable earthquake of at least 7.0 magnitude, but no technology exists to predict its time or epicenter. Grave tremblement de terre annon...